Just received this email from a client who came for 1 fertility massage last month, very exciting Christmas present for her and her husband! Its so worth a try if you are trying for a baby!
Hi Pip I have some very good news! I had a very positive pregnancy test this morning :). I've been testing for a few days now (since 8 days post ovulation, lol), and the positives have been getting stronger and stronger. I have now officially missed my period, so it looks like I am definitely pregnant! After just one massage, I am absolutely stoked. Thanks for working your magic for me! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and fantastic New Year. #fertilitymassagesuccessstory #bloomfertilitymassage #fertilitymassagesuccess #64 #bestjobeverlovemywork
Baby #63 from bloom fertility massage is on the way..... Hi Pip, I just wanted to let you know that after 13 months of trying it was 3rd time lucky with my massage last month! I got a positive pregnancy test this morning so very very early days but I truly believe it's thanks to your magic. Thank you so much 😀 Hopefully I'll push your successes into the 60s and I'll see you for a few months for a pregnancy massage xx #62 SURPRISE PREGNANCY !!!!😍 This client had been on the mirena hadn't got periods back after a few months but had chronic endo pain previously we did 3 massages in quick succession over a few weeks and surprise!!!! So stoked for her😊 Heya just thought I'd give you some awesome news!! Found out on Wednesday I'm 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant😊😊 never did get a period.. Just a fluke that I did a test. #61 fertility massage success story This is a wonderful result of one of my endometriosis clients who sorted her endo pain out with 3 endo/fertility massages and now has a positive pregnancy test very soon after. Hey Pip, just wanting to let you know that I am pregnant 😊 I am so excited but also trying to not stress about another miscarriage! I'm so glad that I got those endo massages in before getting pregnant, as that should have made a difference in increasing blood flow and breaking up some of the adhesions. I will keep you updated and fingers crossed this one will be a positive experience 😊 thanks so much for your help throughout this process I appreciate it! At what stage can I come back for a pregnancy massage? It's so worth a try having fertility massage or endometriosis massage if you suffer with endo or are trying for a baby😊 #endometriosismassagesuccess #fertilitymassagesuccessstory |
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